
The products of the collections of the Tiurai brand, launched in 2002, are the typical example of a modern entrepreneurship ‘that develops and perfects successfully from season to season thanks to the ability of all the staff to be able to interpret and accommodate the continuous new requests of markets. The great professionalism and a great passion for shoes that characterize all the staff combined with an original stylistic creativity, has allowed thanks to a great production flexibility to meet more and more consents with the customers of all the markets. Tiurai is to satisfy the target of a woman who feels young and in step with the continuous fashion trends, offering a medium price product with high fashion content. The word “tiurai”, Polynesian party full of dancing and joy, it perfectly matches the type of product offered. “Tiurai” for its young and brilliant style, with sympathy and together with the originality of its image, will be that extra something that will give customers a further reason for better personalization.

Fashions pass but style remains

Style is indeed a guideline. It is a trend, it does not follow the inputs of the moment, it anticipates them, it goes along them, it assembles them critically and proposes them again. It is an intuition, an absolutely authentic and original new road. It is the dream of those who want to emerge, of those who have something to say and want to be. The style is what distinguishes creativity. In fashion, style is a product created repeated and accepted. Style is fashion, but fashion is not always transformed into style, it becomes rather trendy. The style is that I do not know what distinguishes creativity. Creativity is the sign, the imprint, the signature that you leave on a product. Fashion is change. Style is something more stable.

The Tiurai philosophy

Too often the advertising or image of famous brands exploits and approaches in an inconsiderate way to examples of violence, pornography or images and very strong messages that have the sole intent to attract the curiosity and the consumer’s first shock and to manipulate and then impose its choices on a product that will have to appear indispensable and necessary to possess. Unbridled research to get attention, consensus and profits at any cost drives companies, especially those more wealthy, to use increasingly mean means. TIURAI wants to encourage a new way of seeing and appreciating things.TIURAI is aimed above all at young people and wants to launch some messages, putting ethics and encouragement first to be original with behaviors not only of image but of substance. , be yourself always, trust yourself and your abilities, do not be afraid to behave in a natural and co ntraddire the people who become great and who try to submit to them even if only psychologically with acts, customs or customs that are too material and immoral.TIURAI promotes through its product lines, a campaign to raise awareness of the true values ​​of life, through the diffusion and the highlighting of phrases, activities and initiatives that have the aim of rediscovering certain long-suppressed values, which our society seems to have now put aside and forgotten. The phrase chosen to accompany all the TIURAI products of summer 2011, deals with from “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho is:

“For every man on the face of the earth there is a treasure waiting for him”

Young, be always yourselves, have confidence in you and in your abilities, do not be afraid to behave naturally and to contradict the people who become great and who try to submit to you even if only psychologically with acts, habits or customs too material and immoral. Through its product lines, TIURAI promotes a campaign to raise awareness of the true values of life, through the dissemination and highlighting of phrases, activities and initiatives aimed at rediscovering certain values that have long been dormant, that our society seems to having now put aside and forgotten.
